How to quit smoking?
So finally you have decide to give up the smoking habits and accept the good and healthy lifestyle. Quitting cigarettes smoking habits would not be easy for you. There are no of method and techniques available in the market which will help in this mission. You have already won the half battle by making this decision and rest of the battle will be achieved by following below mention method.
Quit smoking is not only good for your health but it also better decision for your loved one who always needs you.
Simple Help Tips To Stop/Quit Smoking Cigarettes Habits
1) Plan your quit smoking date: It is very necessary that you should fix a date on which you will give up this bad habits completely. Do mention the quit smoking date in your diary on the mobile calendar which will keep you reminder.
2) Write down the reason to quit smoking. You need to write down the reason why you want to quit cigarettes smoking habits.
3) Stay Busy One of the best way to avoid smoking is to keep yourself busy with the below mention task
4) Daily Exercise: It will keep your body fresh and healthy it also helps you to manage craving of cigarettes smoking. s
5) Walk: Walking with your loved one or friend will help to make more relax.
6) Chew gum: You will be physical active when you Rely on gum, mints, hard candy, or toothpicks to replace popping cigarettes in your mouth
7) Keep your hands busy with a pen or toothpick, or play a game.
8) Drink water: Drinking lots of water will help you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert.
9) Deep breathing: Deep breathing exercise would help you to relax and calm. It is method to free yourself of fear, depression, anxiety
10) Watch Movie: Watching your favorite movie will be good idea. .
11) Family and Friends: Spend time with non-smoking friends and family.
12) Eating Out: Go to dinner at your favorite smoke free restaurant with your family and friends.
13) Play with Kids: Spend some time with kids, play with them watch their favorite cartoon, tv shows, tell them story this will create great bounding.
14) Keep Reminding: you need to keep yourself repeating that you need to stop smoking
15) Don’t Give Up: It is battle between you and the smoking cigarettes habits. It is difficult task but it is not impossible.
Facilitas soft laser therapy is one of the best quit smoking option it’s hardly takes 90 minutes time. The expert will operate you with the laser therapy which actually helps you to quit your smoking habits. Visit Facilitas Healthcare center to know more about facilitas soft laser treatment.